Benchmark results for Weitek coprocessors
Since neither a Weitek coprocessor nor a compiler that generates code for the Weitek chips were available, performance data for the Weitek Abacus is given here according to Weitek documents and scaled to show performance of a 33 MHz system. The benchmarks were compiled using highly-optimizing 32-bit compilers.

  Single Precision Double Precision Double Precision
  3167 4167 3167 4167 387 487
Linpack MFLOPS 1.8 5.0 0.8 3.2 0.4 1.6
Whetstone kWhet/sec 7470 22700 4900 14000 3290 12300

Note that for the Intel coprocessors, running programs in single vs. double-precision doesn't provide much of an performance advantage since all internal calculations are always done in extended precision. Using Weitek coprocessors, however, performance nearly doubles in single-precision mode. For double-precision calculations using only basic arithmetic, the Weitek Abacus can at most provide performance at twice the level of the respective Intel coprocessor (387/486) at the same clock speed.

Comparison of floating-point performance
  Single Precision
  Weitek 4167-33 intel 486DX-33 intel 486DX2-66
Linpack MFLOPS 5.0 1.8 3.5
Whetstones kWhet/sec 22700 12700 25500
  Double Precision
  Weitek 4167-33 intel 486DX-33 intel 486DX2-66
Linpack MFLOPS 3.5 1.6 3.1
Whetstones kWhet/sec 14000 12300 24700

Information © Norbert Juffa, Karlsruhe, Germany [excerpt of COPRO16A.TXT]